Our company provides shipment of 20', 40', 45' feet containers and other kind of cargo from the United States in the following ports of Dominican Republic:
Description and characteristics of the Seaport Rio Haina, Dominican Republic. |
Position: 19°49’N 70°42’W Description: Two finger piers located in the bay of Rio Haina.
Distance: Rio haina to Santo Domingo 5 km.
Navigation: 24 hours Draft at entrance channel: 35’
Maximum draft and LOA permitted alongside berths:
New Pier
1. 34’ LOA 700’
2. 24’ LOA 600’ (with marginal Ro-Ro pier.
Old Pier
1. 32’ LOA 500’
2. 32’ LOA 450’
Length restriction: 750’ max.
Breadth restriction: 100’ max.
Air draft restriction: No restrictions
Anchorage: Deep water anchorage available just outside port entrance. The pilot will indicate the best place on request. In rough weather, this anchorage is dangerous.
Pilot station: 1/2 mile from seabuoy
Towage: 2 tugs
Equipment: None available, must be ordered from Santo Domingo.
Storage: None at Berths 1 and 2.
Open storage: Up to 20,000
Water: Fresh water delivered by pipeline alongside at a rate of about 6 ton/hour.
Bunkers: By tank truck from Santo Domingo
Ship repair: Available
Medical facilities: Full medical attention available.
Airport: ’’La Union’’ International Airport. 30 Minutes away.
Weather/climate/prevailing winds: From May 15 until September 15
Climate: mostly sunny, tropical. Hurricane season runs from June to November
Prevailing winds: direction ENE–ESE
Average temperature range: 28–30 °C
Seaport Rio Haina on the map.
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