Our company provides shipment of 20', 40', 45' feet containers and other kind of cargos from the United States in the following ports in Dominican Republic:
Description and characteristics of the seaport Caucedo, Dominican Republic. |
Caucedo seaport is the youngest and the most modern port in the Dominican Republic.
Caucedo Port has one container terminal, which is located next to Las Americas International Airport. The terminal was built in 2003 by the private sector.
This port has the 30% of the maritime cargo movement in the island, only surpassed by the Haina Occidental Port.
Our company ships cargoes and containers to the port Causedo twice a week.
Position: Lat. 18º 24’.6N, 069º 36’.3W.
Distance: Caucedo to Santo Domingo 30 km.
Vessel Type: Panamax and Post Panamax (318 mts LOA and below).
Caucedo Pilot Station, Channel 16 VHF then change to working channel 10 or 13 VHF.
Hours of operation: (24-hour navigation).
Anchorage area: Anchoring prohibited in Andres Bay (coral reef preservation area)
Tugs: (02) 1 ASD 50 Ton Bollard pull, 1 ASD 65 Ton Bollard Pull.
Controlling depth of the entrance channel: 14.5 meters.
Controlling depth of the harbor basin: 13.5 meters.
Controlling depth of the berth: 13.5 meters.
Width of the entrance channel: 265 mts.
Length of the berth: (600) mts, 300 mts
Number of cranes: (5) Cranes, Outreach of the cranes: 18 vessel rows.
Air Draft: 47 meters boom to water; 43 mts berth to boom, 4mts berth to water.
Weather/climate/prevailing winds: From May 15 until September 15
Climate: mostly sunny, tropical. Hurricane season runs from June to November
Prevailing winds: direction ENE–ESE
Average temperature range: 28–30 °C
Seaport Caucedo on the map.
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