Our company provides shipment of 20', 40', 45' feet containers and other kind of cargos from the United States in the following ports of Dominican Republic:
Description and characteristics of the seaport La Romana, Dominican Republic. |
Position: 18º26’N 68º57’W
Distance: La Romnana to Santo Domingo 131 km.
Description: Private berth at the mouth of small river used mainly by the sugar mill.
Navigation: Daylight only
Maximum draft and LOA permitted alongside berths:
26’ Arrival / 28’ Sailing — LOA 720’ (Vessels enter bow first and sail stern first)
Length restriction: 720’
Breadth restriction: 100’ max.
Air draft restriction: No restrictions
Anchorage: Best anchorage is west of Catalina Island in depth of15 to 18 fathoms. There is no protected anchorage immediately outside the port. Authorization to anchor must be applied for the Harbormaster throught the Agents.
Pilot station: 1 mile from seabuoy
Towage: Available.
Working hours: Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00. Sat 08:00-12:00
Equipment: Sugar is loaded mechanically by conveyor belts directly from the warehouse to the ship using 3 spouts. Average loading rates of 400-500 Tons/hr depending on vessel size and configuration. There are two 10 inch connections for discharge of fuel and diesel oils. There are no forklifts available for general cargo. Small motorcranes may be hired for handling general cargo, which must be loaded directly onto railroad cars and be removed from ship’s side.
Storage: Warehoused owned by Central Romana Corp. No open storage available.
Water: There is a pipeline available alongside, but due to low pressure a portable pump is required. Alternatively, fresh water can be supplied by tank truck.
Bunkers: Not allowed
Ship repair: Some shore facilities for minor repairs are available. Further repair shops available in Santo Domingo.
Medical facilities: Full medical attention available.
Airport: La Romana has an international airport with daily flights to San Juan, P. R., and Miami. Las American International Airport is about 70 km. from the sea port.
Weather/climate/prevailing winds: From May 15 until September 15
Climate: mostly sunny, tropical. Hurricane season runs from June to November
Prevailing winds: direction ENE–ESE
Average temperature range: 28–30 °C
Seaport La Romana on the map.
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